Pay Now
Pay Now to Confirm Your Booking
Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing Sree laxmi vilas To confirm your booking, please complete the payment through the steps mentioned on this page.
Check Your Booking Details:
- Your booking details, including the Booking ID, Name, Check-in Date, and Total Amount, are displayed at the top of this page.
- Ensure these details match your reservation before proceeding.
Scan the QR
- A unique QR code is provided for your payment.
- Open your preferred UPI app (such as Google Pay, PhonePe, Paytm, or any other UPI-compatible app).
- Scan the QR code displayed on this page.
- The payment amount and recipient information in this payment
Complete the Payment:
- After scanning the QR code, confirm the payment within your UPI app.
Download the QR Code (Optional):
- If you are not ready to pay immediately, you can download the QR code to your device for later use.
- Click the "Download QR Code" button to save the QR code as an image.
Upload Payment Proof:
- After making the payment, return to this page and click on the whatsapp button "Upload Payment Proof" .
- Submit a screenshot of the transaction or enter the UTR (Unique Transaction Reference) number provided by your payment app.
Verification and Confirmation:
- Once we receive and verify your payment, we will confirm your booking via email or SMS.
- If there are any issues, our support team will contact you for assistance.
Contact Us:
If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please contact us:
- Email: sreelaxmivilas2018gmail-com
- Phone: +91 9842171885, +91 99940 42885
- Address: 102F/24 , DHANASEKARAN NAGAR ,TUTICORIN, 628002 Tuticorin, India